Friday, March 13, 2020

Dark Gold

Book Review of Dark Gold (Carpathian Series)

Title:  Dark Gold

Series: Carpathian Series

Author: Christine Feehan

Date Published:   April 1st 2000

Date Read: June 19th  2012

The Blurb:
Was he a man...or a miracle?

Alexandria Houton would sacrifice anything - ever her life - to protect her orphaned little brother. But when both encountered unspeakable evil in the swirling San Francisco mists, Alex could only cry to heaven for their deliverance...

And out of the darkness swooped Aidan Savage, a golden being more powerful, more mysterious than any other creature of the night. The ageless Carpathian male snatched them from a hideous fate. But was Aidan a miracle...or a monster? Alex's salvation...or her sin? If she surrendered to Aidan's savage, unearthly seduction - gave him the color, the light, the family he craved - would Alex truly save her brother? Or sacrifice more than her life?

My Review

3.5 Savage Stars

First read June 2012 re-read January 12,2016


"You had a bad dream, something about vampires, but you do not really remember it. It is all very hazy. You talked to me about it, and if it ever returns to haunt you, you will come to me, and we will discuss it. You always feel free to talk with me about things that sometimes do not make sense. You want me to be with your sister always. We talk about it together and plot together to make her want to stay with me as my wife, as family. You and I are the best of friends. We always look out for Alexandria. You know she belongs with me, that no one can care for her and protect the two of you as I can. This is very important to you, to both of us."-Aidan's compulsion to Joshua

Dark Gold, the 3rd book in the Dark Series by Christine Feehan was a pretty good read for me. It would have been perfect, but it had one of my main pet peeves in it. Cowards and cowardly behavior just seem to tap dance all over my nerves. And the heroine Alex(Alexandria) drove me crazy with her over the top cowardly, live in denial behavior! I totally could understand most of her fear, but it was the way she handled it and the stupid ass stunts she pulled all the way up til the 65% mark. I just couldn't believe the things she did.

"You betrayed me. You betrayed Joshua. I told you what would happen if you went out into the sun. You pretended to yourself that you would see if I was telling the truth. But you already knew it was the truth. You took a chance on destroying yourself, leaving Joshua to strangers, to an uncertain future without protection."-Aidan

"I swear, if you keep using that calm, cool, Alexandria, you-are-hysterical tone on me, I will not be responsible for what I do." -Alex

I get it you went though some bad things and everything is changing and scary but you don't

1. When your lifemate tells you the sun will kill you, run out into said sun just because you refuse to believe you are not human anymore.

2. Go on a date with another man just to prove you are not lifemates and you are still human!

And finally you don't

3. After not feeling a thing for said human date decide, it's not because you are not human anymore and you only want your lifemate. Nope! It must be because you was not attracted to that human so, you go out dancing with multiple men, while knowing the whole time you're forcing your lifemate to watch you date and dance with other men!

I just wanted to yell at my kindle. I mean come on... the 65% mark and you still ain't dealing with this shit. Pull up your big girl panties and get the fuck over it! Alex acted like such a child I just wanted to shake her!

"Aidan says you only think you're in charge but that we have to let you think that because women like to think they're in control, but men have to protect them." Her blue eyes met golden ones over the blond curls. "He said all that, did he? That's a lot of thinks, Joshua. I am in charge, not Aidan." Joshua smiled conspiratorially at Aidan. Aidan mouthed, "I told you so." Both looked at her in complete innocence, their expressions so similar, it unexpectedly turned her heart over.-Joshua, Alex, and Aidan

"How could I ever leave you, Aidan? Do you really think I could? I thought you knew everything. Even I knew better. Almost from the very start, I knew better." -Alex
Alex did have some good qualities that kept me from hating her. She was playful and sweet to Joshua her little brother. And when she let her guard down around Aidan she was funny, and Smart. It was really at odds with the stupid crap she would all of a sudden pull. But I could see why Aidan loved her. And all of the stuff happened within a few days and not weeks but still! Aidan was great. He was sexy, playful, understanding, and God the man had the patience of a saint. He had so much charm it poured off the pages. It was so sweet the way Aidan gave everything he had, never thinking of himself. He gave her time, space and independence even if it was hell on him.

"Oh, I see how it's going to be." Alexandria glared at the two of them, but her dimple appeared despite her best effort at ferocity. "You guys are planning to gang up on me." They looked at each other, exchanging a smile. "Yes,"-Alex, Aidan and Joshua

"You have heard the word compromise before, haven't you? You do comprehend its meaning?" He looked thoughtful, taking his time before replying. "As I understand it, compromise means you do what I say as soon as I command it. Is that about right?" Alexandria pushed at the solid wall of his chest. "You wish, Mr. Savage. It's never going to happen."-Alex and Aidan
Aidan and Alex's relationship was a push/ pull but there was some sweet, playful moments. When Alex finally committed to Aidan as a lifemate, they had a great relationship. Alex became supportive, and caring. She also felt bad for the way she acted. Joshua, Alex's little brother was so adorable, he stole every scene he was in. The way Aidan and Josh ganged up on Alex like a team was too cute and made for some laughs. One of the things I loved about this book was it was really funny, it help take some of the sting out of the Alex crap. Gregori was in this book too and he just broke my heart. I know his book is next and since I have read the whole series 4 times now I know he gets his HEA but I still wanted to hug him in this book. God I love Gregori!! Over all even with the stupid things Alex did I still liked this book. Just not as much as the first two.

"Sometimes adults can't live together. I'm used to doing things my way, and Aidan is set in his medieval ways." "What's medieval ?" Joshua wanted to know. "Ask Aidan. He's good with answers," she replied resentfully." Medieval refers to the days of knights and ladies, Joshua. Alexandria thinks I would have made a great knight. They were men who served their homeland with honor and always rescued and took care of fair maidens." Aidan drained the contents of a third glass of ruby liquid. "A fitting description, and quite a compliment. Thank you, Alexandria." Stefan coughed behind his hand, and Marie hastily turned to look out the window. Alexandria found a reluctant smile curving her soft mouth. "That's not all I could call you, but for now, we'll leave it at medieval."-Alex, Joshua, and Aidan

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